two thousand and ninety-one


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The fracture behaviors in superplastic deformation of 2091 Al Li alloy have been investigated.
2·摘 要 研究了2091铝锂合金超塑变形的断裂行为。
The fracture behaviors in superplastic deformation of 2091 Al-Li alloy have been investigated.
3·研究了脉冲电流对2091 铝锂合金再结晶动力学的影响。
The effect of current pulse on the dynamics of recrystallization in 2091 AlLi alloy has been investigated.
4·并与传统的2024(CZ)合金进行了比较。 结果表明,2091合金具有较好的抗应力腐蚀能力。
The results showed that 2091 alloy had better resistance to stress corrosion cracking than that of traditional 2024 (CZ) alloy.
The result shows that this method can increase not only thetensile strength but also the ductility of the alloy 2091 welded joint.
6·解释了2091 合金比其他牌号铝锂合金具有更好的强韧性和塑性综合性能指标的原因。
The reason why 2091 alloy has the higher ductility and mechanical properties than other kinds of Al-Li alloys is given in some extent of detail.
更新时间:2025-03-29 00:18