two thousand one hundred and seven


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1·存储系统映像id: IBM . 2107-7516231(请参见Example1,以了解如何获得存储系统映像id)?
Storage image ID: IBM.2107-7516231 (Refer Example1 to know how to get the Storage image ID)?
2·如果目标磁盘的类型是2107或者1750,那么这里的“ - type ”属性就应该是“ DS ”。
If the target disk type is either 2107 or 1750, the "-type" attribute here should be "DS."
3·请注意,本文所提供的信息仅适用于 DS8000(2107) 和 DS6000(1750) 类型的存储系统。
Please note that information in this article only applies to the storages of type DS8000(2107) and DS6000(1750).
2107 here indicates that the disks belong to DS8000 and 1750 indicates that the disks belong to the DS6000 type.
更新时间:2025-04-01 04:06