22 3

22 3


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I wanted to choose 3, 7, 22 or 227 because they are used when estimating PI, but some other students must have had the same idea.
For example, 11 would sort before 22 and before 3 by default.
The United States, which provides 22% of its funds, and Israel, which provides 3%, said they would stop their contributions.
4·一旦用户单击 OK 按钮,则截图将在 3 秒钟以后被采用(图 22)。
Once the user clicks the OK button, the screenshot will be taken after 3 seconds (Figure 22).
Yet even out of the time-starved group, 22% report they'll start using social media in 3 months and 27% said they'll start using it in a year.
Description of interrogation: Subject (Lt. Smith) was interrogated for 22 hours over 3 days from Monday, March 13 toWednesday, March 15.
7·以上这些调查数据来自14到22岁的3 800名白人妇女。
The data come from 3, 800 white women between the ages of 14 and 22.
Using a residential cable provider in California, it would take 22 hours 36 minutes to download, and 3 days 36 minutes to upload to a server in the same state.
The USGS characterized the 6.3-magnitude quake on February 22 as an aftershock of the quake that struck to the west, in Darfield, New Zealand, on September 3, 2010.
At 45 feet wide and 22 feet long, the spider required nearly 3, 000 balloons, and was created for (what else) a Halloween event.
更新时间:2025-03-28 18:32