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2201 – At the Sun slowing thermonuclear processes. Temperature drops.
According to the data, event code 2201 followed event code 2003 in 76.9 percent of the cases and event code 2001 in 84.6 percent of cases.
Based on original electronic equipment of surface roughness measuring instrument Model 2201, the instrument is computerized from both software and hardware.
According to the rural-to-urban migrants' occupation distribution, we selected from Beijing and Nanjing a total of 4301 participants(2201 from Beijing) by quota.
5·本研究从北京选取2201名从农村到北京打工的18 ~ 30岁的流动人口为被试,探讨其流动模式与其社会适应的关系。
In present study, a sample of 2201 18-30 years old migrants from rural area to Beijing was recruited to examine the relationship between mobility and social adaptability.
6·酿造单宁是以天然五倍子为原料,用物理方法提纯可直接用于食物和入药,已纳入我国食品添加剂目录( 编号为2201) 。
The material of brewing tannin is natural gallnut, it can be directly used in food and medicine by physical purifying and it has brought into the catalogue of Chinese food additives(No. 2201).