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Hurricane Katrina is widely considered the measure for a destructive storm, holding the maximum Category 5 designation for a full 24 hours in late August 2005.
18-hour cities combine the best of 24-hour and 9-5 cities, which contributes to downtown revitalization.
Chang'e-5 was launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan Province on November 24, 2020.
Linux kernel 2.6.28 was released on December 24, 2008 (at release 5 as of early February, 2009).
Half of the 43 "large" -sized fast food meals, 24 from McDonald's and 19 from KFC, examined in the study - purchased in outlets around the world - exceeded the 5 gram level.
Even when the disease is diagnosed early and adequate treatment is started, 5% to 10% of patients die, typically within 24 to 48 hours after the onset of symptoms.
7·即使该病在早期得到诊断并且给予充分治疗,但是5%至10%的患者死亡,通常在出现症状的24 - 48小时之内。
Even when the disease is diagnosed early and adequate therapy instituted, 5% to 10% of patients die, typically within 24-48 hours of onset of symptoms.
8·生成的代码的速度优势随着循环次数的增加而增加,在2k次循环时大约为5:1,在512 k次循环时增加到大约24:1。
The speed advantage for generated code increases as the number of loops goes up, starting out at roughly 5:1 with 2k loops and going up to about 24:1 with 512k loops.
9·图24 2010年2月5日星期五,印度新德里,一名男子在雅满那河河岸吸烟的侧影清晰可见。
Pic.24 a man is seen silhouetted as he smokes on the Banks of the River Yamuna in New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb. 5, 2010.
Each of the messages has been allocated the same 24-byte group identifier along with a logical sequence number running from 1 through 5.
更新时间:2025-03-09 21:46