twenty-seven thousand


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It says that we eat about 27000 kilos of food during our lives.
It's said that we eat about 27000 kilos of food during our lives.
We are located in Jiangxi Shanggao science and industry district with 27000 square meters in area.
4·1rational License Server的默认端口是27000和27001,但这些端口在许可数据文件中可能会被覆盖。
1the default ports for the Rational license Server are 27000 and 27001, but these port Numbers can be overridden in the license data files.
5·ISO 27000系列标准是通用的、普适性的信息安全管理国际标准,适用于所有行业。
ISO 27000 series of standards is general and universal international standards for information security management, suitable to all industries.
6·这是取代于1972年由另一虚电路- 137,特种空勤团2.70万,但被关押的SAM 26000作为备份,直到它终于在1998年退休。
Itwas replaced in 1972 by another VC-137, Special Air Mission 27000, although SAM 26000 was kept as a backup until it was finally retired in1998.
We have the advantages of computer networking with 27000 ATMs and 120000 POS terminals. You can enjoy pleasant and convenient services anytime and anywhere.
The database contains all material from the printed volumes of the Kalevala poetry collection. The printed volumes consist of 27000 pages, so it has been a huge project.
The total lance of long distance optical cable increases by 27000 sheet km, that of digital microwave links by 14,400 km and the number of telephone lines by 19.61 million.
The total lance of long distance optical cable increases by 27000 sheet km, that of digital microwave links by 14, 400 km and the number of telephone lines by 19.61 million.
更新时间:2025-03-26 13:33