three thousand two hundred and seventy


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Like the 3270, HTML provides batched-up form submission.
2·用于访问CICS服务器上的3270程序的CICS EPI资源适配器。
CICS EPI resource adapter for access to 3270 programs on CICS servers.
3·用于访问带3270屏幕的主机系统的HOD 3270资源适配器。
HOD 3270 resource adapter for access to host systems with 3270 screens.
4·所有实例都是在 5250 主机上运行的,但是可以用 3270 主机代替。
The examples included here connect to a 5250 host, but a 3270 host is interchangeable.
Two limitations of the 3270 interface are especially significant when designing for SOA access.
6·当时我正在我的PC上模拟旧式ibm 3270屏幕,但是PC屏幕通常都是彩色的,而不只是一成不变的黑色。
I was emulating the old IBM 3270 screen on my PC, but PC screens are usually all colors, not just solid black.
HATS: Use HATS to create Web and rich-client applications that provide a GUI for character-based 3270 and 5250 host applications.
This is due to the nature of the CICS 3270 interface upon which it is based, and as such should not be used for transactional integration of CICS applications.
9·CICS和IMS应用程序的一个最佳实践是将3270 UI支持从业务逻辑拆分出来,然后使用消息接口实现这两个层间的耦合。
A best practice for CICS and IMS applications is to split the 3270 UI support from the business logic, then couple these two layers using the message interface.
10·一个颇受欢迎的技术可让客户使用Host Access Transformation (HATS)之类的工具重构3270个用户界面,以生成基于Web的接口和服务。
One popular technique enables clients to re-face 3270 user interfaces with tools like Host Access Transformation (HATS) to generate Web-based interfaces as well as services.
更新时间:2025-03-09 21:19