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Today, Nissan said their new car is going to get 367 miles a gallon.
The New Testament canon in its current form was first formally attested in 367.
The number studying English-language (ELICOS) courses doubled from 45, 359 to 99, 367.
The earliest known list of the current New Testament Canon dates from AD 367 in a work by st.
It was eventually breached in A. D. 367, and Roman rule in Britain ended about 40 years later.
The earliest known list of the current New Testament canon dates from AD 367 in a work by St. Athanasius.
7·截至2009年5月1日格林尼治时间23:30时,13个国家正式报告了367例甲型H1N 1流感感染病例。
As of 23:30 GMT, 1 May 2009, 13 countries have officially reported 367 cases of influenza a (H1N1) infection.
8·尼克伦和我搭乘的巡游舰“国家地理探索者National Geographic Explorer”有367英尺长,重6000吨。
The cruise ship on which Nicklen and I hitched a ride, National Geographic Explorer, was 367 feet and 6, 000 tons.
There are 366 possible birthdays (including February 29 in a leap year) and this blog has many more than 367 readers.
EU fishermen are allowed 367, 000 tonnes (of which Britain accounts for 174, 000 tonnes) and Norway’s 115, 000 tonnes.