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1·DPAR 2有4001个注册用户,1320个活动用户(33%活动),并且每天正常工作时间处理大约7,000,000个事务。
DPAR 2 had 4001 registered users, 1320 active users (33 percent active), and performed an average of about 7,000,000 daily prime time transactions.
2·T - 4001塔顶部大口径管道因吊车的有效吊装高度所限,不能随塔吊装,在其吊装后,再用CC 8800吊装此管线。
T-4001 big caliber pipeline is limited in height because of its available suspending height and could not suspend with the tower freely. After suspending it, use CC8800 to install this pipe cable.