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In 1972, Intel delivered the 8008, a scaled up 4004.
The original 4004 microprocessor chip handled data in four bit chunks.
The result was a four-chip system, based around the Intel 4004 microprocessor.
4·处理器是 4 位 CPU,其可以每秒执行 92,000 条指令。
The 4004 processor was a 4-bit CPU that could execute 92,000 instructions per second.
So if the scientists have been suggesting that Adam and Eve no longer stood at the beginning of human time in the Garden of Eden in 4004 BC, who did?
At that point, most of the visitors would probably have agreed that the world had begun in 4004 BC, to be precise at the very beginning of Sunday 23 October.
Archbishop James Usher (1580 1656) published Annales Veteris et Novi Testaments in 1654, which suggested that the Heaven and the Earth were created in 4004 B.C..
The expensive and time-consuming work of designing a custom wired chip was replaced by the flexible 4004 microprocessor and the instructions stored in a separate ROM (Read Only Memory) chip.