four thousand and thirty-nine


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1·但在这持续十亿年的事件中,两个编号为NGC 4038和NGC 4039的星系中的恒星没有相撞。
But the stars in the two galaxies cataloged as NGC 4038 and NGC 4039 don't collide in the course of the ponderous, billion year or so long event.
2·不过这两个编号为NGC 4038和NGC 4039的星系中的恒星在这场漫长的事件中并没有相撞,这次相撞持续了有上亿年了。
But the stars in the two galaxies, cataloged as NGC 4038 and NGC 4039, don't collide in the course of the ponderous event, lasting hundreds of millions of years.
更新时间:2025-03-29 03:47