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1·商店或者退税公司自己版本的VAT 407申请表。
A shop or refund company's own version of form VAT 407.
The room 407 in Sanno apartment had the personality as such.
In year 2008 the company manufactured a whopping 3, 325, 407 units of cars.
Poloxamer 407 is used widely in the field of medicine as one kind of adjuvants.
5·该公司已积压它最流行的模型编号407的中期- 200 。
The company has a backlog for its popular Model 407 that numbers in the mid-200s.
So instead of using 407 KB of memory to store them, they can be stored in just a few kilobytes.
Keep in mind that in any given vintage year, the Bin 707 will be far more expensive than the 407.
It generated a temperature of 407 c, melting a metal called babbit, which is made from lead and zinc.
Carpet backing cloth (CBC) is a kind of balanced fabric, weighing between 180 - 407 g/m2 used as a base for making carpets.
Regarding your question of your orders, the total amount in dispute is 407$ USD, need you go to the FBC cancel the dispute.