four thousand and ninety-five


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1·VMware 定义了一个 ID 为 4095 的特殊端口组。
VMWare defines a special port group with ID 4095.
2·在命令域中输入sol - v 4095,然后点击Submit按钮。
In the command field, type sol -v 4095, then click the Submit button.
3·为了在控制台中完成这一任务,选择屏幕顶部的enable,并确认SOL VLAN ID设置为4095。
To do this from the sol console, select enable at the top of the screen and verify that the sol VLAN ID is set to 4095.
4·散列算法应用于分区键的值,产生 0 到 4095 之间的一个分区号。
The hashing algorithm is applied to the value of the partitioning key, and generates a partition number between zero and 4095.
5·内核还将主识别号的限制从 255 增加到 4095,并且允许每种类型可以有多于 100 万个子设备。
The 2.6 kernel has also expanded the limitation of the major number from 255 to 4095 and has allowed more than one million subdevices per type.
更新时间:2025-03-09 21:25