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The population of the people over age 80 will be 426 million in 2050, three times larger than that now.
2·《虫媒的热量奖励Heat》——自然426:243 - 244。
"Heat reward for insect pollinators." Nature 426:243-244.
The total cost is $426. How will you be payed for the tickets?
Taylor analyzed the diets of 3, 426 people with and without kidney stones.
The bank lost 596 million euros ($748 million) on 426 million euros in revenue last year.
6·把美国防止虐待动物协会防动物中毒控制中心的电话号码放在手边。号码是:(888)426 - 4435。
Keep the number for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center handy. The number is (888) 426-4435.
The year before, 2, 295 square kilometers (1, 426 square miles) were destroyed over that time period.
Of these 426 were classified as hemorrhagic stroke, 1, 224 as ischemic stroke, and 630 were undetermined.
9·我为您预约102班机, 在芝加哥起飞的时间是28日, 10点15分. 从迈阿密的回程是209班机, 起飞的时间是31日, 12点30分.
15 a.m. on the 28th,and returning from Miami on Flight 209 at 12:30 p.m. on the 31th.The total cost is $426.
In Cameroon, it takes a potential investor around 426 days to perform 15 procedures to gain a business license.