four hundred and fifty-three


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In 453 AD, Attila married a young girl named Ildico.
2·图453: 敞篷甲壳虫。看不到开车的人,无法鉴定是否人车合一。
Photo 453: Open Beetle in red. Beetle is the favorite small car by girl.
Thank you for your sales contract no. 453. for 100 metric tons of groundnuts ordered by us.
The city is highly industrialized and has a large shrimp-fishing fleet. Population, 257, 453.
5·匈奴帝国国王(433 ? - 453年),最成功入侵罗马帝国的野蛮入侵者。
King of the Huns (433? -453) and the most successful of the barbarian invaders of the Roman Empire.
The spread between the Irish and the benchmark German 10-yr bond has risen to 453 basis points, a record high.
7·不过,作为一个美好祝愿的姿态,我今天来到这里, 要满怀敬意地偿还这笔453英镑3先令的欠款。
Nevertheless, as a gesture of good will I come today prepared to honour this debt of 453 pounds and three shillings.
8·英语国家四级:453分(六级考取中) ,具有良好的英语口语、阅读、翻译、写作能力;
Four English-speaking countries: 453 minutes (6 to pass), have good oral English, reading, translation, writing skills;
That meant they had to devise a matrix with 453, 060 rowsand the same number of columns. In total this gives 205 billion entries.
If interest was taken into account, 453 pounds and three shillings in 1651 would have been worth approximately 47,500 pounds in 2007.
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:52