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1·这项调查工作源于在互联网上流传的三辆458 Italia跑车着火的照片。
The move comes as pictures of three separate 458 fires have circulated on the Internet.
1:I pick up my 458 Italia on Tuesday. #2:You need to save some stuff for your mid-life crisis.
Encases the target with ice and dealing 458 to 487 damage and making them immobile for 6 seconds.
For the 73, 458 Americans waiting for a new kidney, it matters that every donated organ is put to good use.
Time stops altogether on reaching the 299, 792, 458 metres per second at which light zaps through a vacuum.
The earliest reference to a 'red carpet' in this sense was is in a play by the Greek dramatist Aeschylus in 458 BC.
Ferrari is launching an investigation into the causes of a small number of vehicle fires involving its new 458 Italia.
The high-performance Ferrari 458 was launched to high acclaim, with some journalists calling it one of the "old time greats".
9·因为光速是299 792 458米每秒,而中微子的速度是299 798 454米每秒。
Since the speed of light is 299, 792, 458 metres per second, the neutrinos were evidently travelling at 299, 798, 454 metres per second.
Methods:Within an urban area of Beijing, 458 medical workers from 11 branches and 41 health stations were investigated by using a questionnaire.
更新时间:2025-03-10 15:12