forty-nine thousand one hundred and fifty-one


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1·如果您在范围1024年- 49151之内真正地需要选择一个口岸保证您采撷“未派职务”港列出在IANA港列出。
If you really need to choose a port within the range 1024-49151 make sure you pick an "unassigned" port listed at the IANA port list.
2·选择一个新的口岸的最佳的范围从是:49152 - 65535,如果您在范围1024年- 49151之内真正地需要选择一个口岸确定您采撷“未派职务”港列出在IANA港名单。
The best range to choose a new port from is: 49152-65535 If you really need to choose a port within the range 1024-49151 make sure you pick an "unassigned" port listed at the IANA port list.
更新时间:2025-02-23 00:30