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1·这个地热传导暖气系统可以提供暖器达到温度摄氏4 0度到5 0度之间,透过地下管线的热水来供应暖气(图4)。
The heating system and can be heat to provide heaters to 4 degrees centigrade temperature to 5 0 0 degree the underground pipelines, through the water to supply heating (figure 4).
The Dutch annihilated the Olympic champions 5-0.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
His superb play inspired the team to a thrilling 5–0 win.
—— 《牛津词典》
With this research the project manager went back to the site sponsors and asked, "is this compatibility necessary when less than 0."5% of your customers use these old browsers?
An inversion list would store a list of three Numbers: 0, 3, 5.
Barcelona humbled Real Madrid, 5-0, in Monday's Clásico at the Camp Nou, a stunningly one-sided result to a game many had thought would be among the best played in Europe this year.
For example, if the growth in excess credit is more than 5% it scores 2 points, 0-5% 1 point, and below 0% nil.
8·星期三的比赛中,巴西守门员奥雷里奥·戈麦斯失误送给了皇马1 - 0的胜利。皇马以5 - 0的总比分挺进欧冠半决赛。
An error from Brazilian goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes saw Real Madrid win 1-0 at Tottenham on Wednesday to reach the semifinals of the Champions League 5-0 on aggregate.
9·从5 - 0狂扫威根的阵容中,曼联更换了四名首发,鲁尼发现在锋线上只有自己一人,而其他人都挤在中场。
The United team showed four changes from the 5-0 romp at Wigan, and Rooney found himself on his own up front as the home side packed midfield.
10·——最后时刻预订旅行的趋势加强:60%的商旅预订提前0 - 5天完成。
A growing trend towards last minute travel with 60% of business reservations taking place between 0-5 days.
更新时间:2025-03-29 03:47