50 1

50 1


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There are 50 students in Class 1.
1 million us blog readers in 2007 (50% of Internet users).
3·他告诉卫报记者,如果可以在撒哈拉以南非洲地区实施该方案,不到50年的时间,艾滋病病毒携带者的比例将减少到1 %以下。
If this could be implemented in sub-Saharan Africa, he told the Guardian, "the proportion of people with HIV would run to under 1% in less than 50 years".
This tag creates an automatic progress bar that moves by 1% every 50 ms.
Change the parameter Max Rows from 50 to 1, which is sufficient for testing.
The crowd rummaged in their programmes to remember the odds: 50 to 1.
7·雾气中的水滴极小,通常在1 - 50微米(一百万分之一米)之间。
Water droplets in fog are very small, typically between 1 to 50 microns (one-millionth of a metre) across.
For example, a country with two tariffs, one at 100% and another at just 1%, can deliver a 50% average cut by removing the trivial tariff entirely (a 100% cut), and leaving the other untouched.
About 1 in 50 people who have weight-loss surgery need a second operation because of problems after their first operation.
When it was first approved by the FDA in 1970, lithium was believed to cause heart-valve defects in an extremely high percentage of infants born to mothers who were on the drug (about 1 in 50).
更新时间:2025-03-10 14:51