five thousand one hundred and forty-five


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But the 5145 didn't display the numerous names and Numbers stored on my cellphone's contact list.
VTech chose to use headset Bluetooth synchronization on the 5145 rather than hands-free synchronization.
Call waiting worked like using my actual cellphone, except I pressed different buttons on the 5145 to 'swap' calls.
4·你也可以把VTech 5145当作转发器,前提是把它和娇贵的手机放在电信信号比较强的地方。
The VTech 5145 could work as a repeater, assuming you put it and the finicky cellphone in a place with good coverage.
5·重命名为高清5145 GPU(略微高了高清4570)因而入门级的图形卡举10.1支持。
Renwased HD 5145 GPU (which is a rlocated ather high clocked HD 4570) and thus a neophyte graphics card with DirectX 10.1 support.
6·重命名为高清5145 GPU(略微高了高清4570)因此入门级的图形卡举10.1支持。
Renhere 'sed HD 5145 GPU (which is a slightly high clocked HD 4570) and therefore an entry level graphics card with DirectX 10.1 support.
7·重命名为高清5145 GPU(略微高了高清4570)于是入门级的图形卡举10.1支持。
Renherewised HD 5145 GPU (which is a rfromher high clocked HD 4570) so therefore a requestrentice graphics card with DirectX 10.1 support.
8·蓝牙技术并不能传输数据:我的BlackBerry Curve曾试图把通讯名录传输到5145上,但没有成功。
Bluetooth technology isn't incapable of transmitting data: My BlackBerry Curve even tried to transfer its contacts to the 5145, but couldn't.