five thousand and three hundred


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1·OS: AIX Version 5.3(5300 - 06)(64位)。
OS: AIX Version 5.3 (5300-06) (64 bit).
2·然后,级别的5300 - 04 - CSP可能发布APAR。
Later it might be released with 5300-04-csp at the level.
3·注意:级别的5300 - 05可能首先发布APAR。
Note: APAR might first be released with 5300-05 at the level.
4·5300 - 04技术级别中引入了SP和CSP的命令行支持。
Command Line support for SP and CSP were introduced in 5300-04 Technology Level.
Company covers an area of 5300 square meters, construction area of 3000 square meters.
6·FilterML设置指定了该用户已经拥有5300 - 03级别中的文件集。
The FilterML setting specifies that the client already has filesets in the 5300-03 level.
7·FilterML设置指定了该用户已经拥有5300 - 04级别中的文件集。
The FilterML setting specifies that the client already has filesets in the 5300-04 level.
8·这个命令执行“预览(Preview)”(并不会真正下载),以检查是否发布了TL 5300 - 04。
This command performs a Preview (no download will occur) to check if TL 5300-04 has been released.
9·举例来说,若要确定5300 - 04缺少哪些文件集更新,可运行以下命令。
To determine which fileset updates are missing from 5300-04, for example, run the following command.
It was the corpse of a Stone Age man dating from 5300 years ago, the oldest frozen mummy ever found.
更新时间:2025-03-29 08:25