five hundred and forty-seven


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During that period the number of people on treatment rose by 547%.
The project aims to mine a combined mineral resource of 547 million metric tons.
3·英格兰与爱尔兰国王(547 - 553年),亨利八世和简·西摩的儿子,死于肺结核。
King of England and Ireland (547-553). The son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, he died of tuberculosis.
4·其代表作有意大利拉文纳的圣维他勒教堂(建于526 ~ 547)。
Its representative works have the Italian natrium saint Uygur he to force the church (to construct at 526 ~ 547).
In another development, the fourth quarter of 2008, the province reports 205 people died of infectious diseases, the report public health emergencies 17, the incidence of 547 people, no death.
6·方法:采用分层二阶段整群抽样方法,对重庆市3 547名中学生早餐饮食结构和营养知识进行调查。
Methods: the breakfast structure and the nutrition knowledge of 3 547 students in rural boarding middle school in Chongqing were investigated by adopting stratified two-stage cluster sampling method.
更新时间:2025-03-26 17:59