five hundred and sixty-nine


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1·通过拨打569 4255,老年人可以听到预先录制好的笑话和诗歌。
By dialing 569 4255, the elderly can hear pre-recorded jokes and poems.
It is 569 kilojoules per mole.
Now, 608 is not 569.
In that month alone daily Treasury fails reached $569 billion.
The company has produced 50000 of the protective garments and is selling them for $569, according to a spokesman.
6·结果本医院在调查期限内共有出院病人56 395例,共发生医院感染569例,感染率为1.01%。
Results In 56 395 patient inspected, 569 patient had nosocomial infection, the nosocomial infection rate was 1.01%.
Methods 569 country doctors were tested by using written paper. Results The result shows that the achievement is not expected.
8·丁万夫,郭锐锋,李培楠,等。面向系统负载的分段式实时调度算法及其实现[J]。小型微型计算机系统,2009,30 3:569 - 572。
DING W, GUO r, li p, et al. Sectional realtime scheduling algorithm based on system load and its implementation [J]. Journal of Chinese Computer Systems, 2009, 30 (3) : 569-572.
9·全县发现福建拟钉螺和放逸短沟蜷两种螺蛳,只有前者为斯氏狸殖吸虫和泡囊狸殖吸虫的第一中间宿主,其感染率为0 7% (4/ 5 6 9)。
Two species of snails, namely, Tricula fujiansis and Semisulcospira libertina were found, but only the former was the first intermediate host. The infection rate of snails was 0.7%(4/569).
10·方法通过回顾分析178例56 9个周期的排卵率(OR)、排卵周期率(OCR)与临床特征及内分泌指标的关系。
Methods The relationship between ovulation rate(OR), ovulation cycle rate(OCR) among 178 cases, 569 taking medicine cycles and clinical features, endocrine markers were retrospectively analysed.
更新时间:2025-03-10 15:50