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Reviews mostly agree that the HD 5850 is a great card priced just right.
2·如果你以为这是有点贵,一个HD 5850应该可以解决问题。
In case you thought it was a bit pricey, an HD 5850 should do the trick.
However, according to our sources the outfit will not reduce HD 5850 just yet.
In fact, the HD 5850 is one of the few CARDS ever to have its MSRP increased after launch.
5·随着发布日期的临近,我们将能够确认对铁杉卡,包括房屋署5850 X2都详细的价格。
As the release date approaches, we will be able to confirm pricing details on both of the Hemlock CARDS including the HD 5850 X2.
Partners and stores we talked to said that they are on allocation for both 5870 and 5850 and that it might take weeks for things to get better.
The HD 5870 might be the fastest single GPU card on the market, but HD 5850 is certainly a value alternative, at least once it becomes available.