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Kennedy was outclassed 0–6 0–6 in the final.
—— 《牛津词典》
This hotel can accommodate 6 0 0 guests.
3·根据该机构运动分析所建立的数学模型,在VB 6 . 0上编写了人机对话分析软件。
According to its mathematical models, an analytical software was programmed by VB 6 0. This software has good human computer interactions in collaboration.
4·这就说明了在第二行中为什么得到了0,- 2,- 4,- 6,…这样的序列。
So, this explains how you get the 0, -2, -4, -6,... sequence in the second row.
5·巴萨和皇马挟迅雷不及掩耳之势分别以5 - 0和6 - 0席卷了西甲。
Barcelona and Real Madrid blitzed through their opening La Liga fixtures 5-0 and 6-0 respectively.
Australian Open semifinalist Zheng next faces Alicia Molik, who cruised into the round of 16 with a 6-0, 6-2 victory over British qualifier Elena Baltacha.
7·“抢七打到6 - 0的时候,我当时想着‘好吧,别做任何傻事’,”她说道,“因为我曾经多次拿到赛点却输了比赛。”
"At 6-0 in the tie-break, I was thinking 'OK, don't do anything stupid'," she said. "Because many times I have had match point and not won the match."
I would rather have won 6-0.
9·他问道:“为什么0 - 6岁的女孩才825个呢?”
"Why is it 825 for the 0-6 group?" he asks.
10·所有地区、0 - 6岁年龄组和7 - 15岁年龄组的报告覆盖率均高于97%。
Coverage higher than 97% is reported from all regions and in the groups aged 0-6 and 7-15 years.
更新时间:2025-03-10 11:00