6 8

6 8


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4, 6, 8, 10 are all even numbers.
—— 《牛津词典》
Grown-ups usually need 6-8 hours of sleep to keep active.
3·大多数人的头发周期不长(记住,一个周期是6 -8年),此时色素细胞包围毛囊,色素的产生处于最佳状态。
Most people only have a handful of hair cycles (remember, a cycle is 6 - 8 years) where the pigment-producing cells that surround the follicle and transfer pigment are working at their best.
Lines 6-8 also won't parse. Since they are part of the expression that started on line 5, the compiler stopped after the first error.
Keep all your runs at an easy, conversational pace for at least 6-8 weeks, until you have a good running base established.
6·而且估计有6% - 8%的女人有过饮食失调经历,尤其是狂吃和暴饮暴食最为常见,接下来则是厌食症和其他不正常症状。
Further an estimated 6-8 percent of women experience an eating disorder with binge eating and bulimia nervosa being the most common followed by anorexia and other disorders.
7·而且估计有6% - 8%的女人有过饮食失调经历,尤其是狂吃和暴饮暴食最为常见,接下来则是厌食症和其他不正常症状。
Further, an estimated 6-8 percent of women experience an eating disorder, with binge eating and bulimia nervosa being the most common, followed by anorexia and other disorders.
8·《黑暗冰山》(图6 - 8)是一次对冰山的移动和行为的研究:它们如何互相隔开。
Dark ice (images 6-8) is a study of icebergs' movements and behaviors; the way they space themselves out.
9·欧洲和美国的研究显示,每年有6 - 8%的男子和15 - 18%的妇女罹患偏头痛。
European and American studies have shown that 6-8% of men and 15-18% of women experience migraine each year.
The smart mode is configured by specifying the name of the JAR file in the deployment descriptor as outlined in Listing 7, lines 6-8.
更新时间:2025-03-28 12:40