six hundred and thirteen


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The model of the diesel submarine of the project 613.
2·如果你在工作过程中有密码保护,C7 - 613将切换到密码级0登出。
If you are working with password protection, the C7-613 switches to password level0 at logout.
The plan also calls for replacing 613 old and polluting public minibuses with 1,310 large clean technology buses.
The earliest record of an appearance by Halley's Comet (613 BC) is contained in the chronicle of Lu known as the Spring and Autumn, Annals.
5·对Amazon EC2 Linux微实例(内存613MB,支持32位和64位平台)750个小时的使用——这些时间足够在每个月中持续运行。
750 hours of Amazon EC2 Linux Micro Instance usage (613 MB of memory and 32-bit and 64-bit platform support) – enough hours to run continuously each month
Method: Using atomic absorption spectrophotometry to detect 613 pregnant women who are lack of microelement, then investigating the lack of 5 microelement.
7·29岁的守谷裕(音译)是东京格列佛国际公司的二手车推销员。 去年夏天,老板送给守谷重量613克(22盎司)的苹果iPad,守谷想以后终于不用拖着笔记本电脑去见客户了。
When Yuta Moriya was offered Apple Inc. (AAPL)’s 613-gram (22-ounce) iPad by his employer last summer, he envisioned a future free of lugging his laptop around for client visits.
更新时间:2025-03-29 02:37