six hundred and sixty-one


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This server supports version 661 and earlier.
2·天文学家将这颗“褐矮星”命名为“WD 0806 - 661 B”号。
Astronomers have named the brown dwarf "WD 0806-661 b".
3·但是WD 0806 - 661 B号星球并不是一颗行星——而是一颗非常小的恒星。
But WD 0806-661 B is not a planet - it's a very small star.
It forecast copper output to fall 18 per cent to 661, 000 tons this year.
So far this week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has tumbled 661 points, or 7 percent.
The new model's 661-hp 6-liter V-12 makes the 599 GTO the most powerful road-going Ferrari ever.
7·参阅 参考资料 以链接到 Apache 问题站点,其中提供了有关 JIRA 问题 661 和建议解决方案的详细信息。
See Resources for a link to the Apache issues site, which provides more details on JIRA issue 661 and the proposed solution.
The scheme involves companies voluntarily agreeing to renounce their rights under royal decree 661/2007, and instead be governed by royal decree 1578/2008, which foresees a lower level of tariffs.
9·TOP BEST - 661密封胶带对各种真空袋及复合工具都有较高的粘着力,在树脂固化周期内具有优异的密封性,固化后非常容易从冷或暖的工具表面去除干净。
TOP BEST-661 has high surface adhesion force on vacuum bag and a variety of tools. In the curing cycle it has excellent seal, and very easy to remove from the cold or heating surface after the curing.
更新时间:2025-03-10 21:04