six hundred and sixty-three


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The built in pressure transmitters are our proven types 516, 402 or 663, depending on the pressure range.
The team interviewed 663 women aged 32 to 35 and asked them about major life events from the age of 15 onwards.
The results show that 663 bronze powder is a good infiltration medicament for iron-copper based airplane brake material.
The infection rates of HP were 82.26%(102/124)and 57.70%(663/1149)in active gastritis and non-active gastritis respectively.
Between 2005 and 2008, the programme assisted 370 663 households, reaching about 1.9 million of the most vulnerable men, women and children in the country.
According to HC Leather network is understood that in a 2008 survey of light industry 663 China Top Brand, 47 leather industry, accounting for 7.08% of total light;
Entrepreneurs, investors and economists of CFZ-500 has ranked Zhongjia MRO company among the "potential developing companies of the year 2009 in China", which came in at No. 663.
8·方法对远洋测量船作业环境进行卫生学调查,对1 663名接触噪声人员的听力进行分析,并设对照组进行比较。
Methods a hygienic investigation of workplaces was carried out in oceangoing vessel, and the results of hearing examination in 1 663 noise exposed mariners were compared with controls.
9·最后,以南京市栖霞区为例进行实证分析,结果表明:栖霞区耕地资源的综合价值为3 244 663。
And from a case study Qixia district in Nanjing, the authors got the results which showed that the comprehensive total value of the cultivated land resources in Qixia district was 3 244 663.
更新时间:2025-03-29 03:47