six hundred and seventy-six


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Methods:The clinical data of 676 patients with bone trauma were analyzed.
Mount Olga has a peak elevation of 1,069 meters (3,507 feet) above sea level, making it 206 meters (676 feet) higher than Uluru.
Mount Olga has a peak elevation of 1, 069 meters (3, 507 feet) above sea level, making it 206 meters (676 feet) higher than Uluru.
4·每个首字母都是26个英文字母中的一个,意味着有26x 2=276种姓和名的首字母组合情况。
Each initial can take be one of the 26 English letters, meaning there are 26 x 26 = 676 possible values for the first and last initials.
5·如果你取2字母序列组合的676中的一种,作为一种缩写,那你注定不会走运。 它们都已经名花有主了。
If you want one of the 676 possible two-letter sequences, forinstance for an acronym or abbreviation, you're out of luck:They're all taken.
You'd expect some occupations to have high rates, such as police and sheriff's patrol officers, who have a rate of 676, and firefighters, with a rate of 512.
As a yardstick, the incident rate for local government police and sheriff's patrol officers was about 676, versus 2,041 for athletes and sports competitors, and two for computer programmers.
更新时间:2025-03-26 14:38