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Convert 677 miles to km.
The total distance from shanghai to beijing is 677 miles.
The researchers studied 677 employed men and women in Israel for three to five years.
The results showed that extrahepatic bile duct carcinoma accounted for 677% of bile duct diseases.
5·方法 :对 6 77例经临床病理诊断证实为恶性肿瘤患者进行放射性核素显像。
Methods:The 677 cases of malignant tumor which were confirmed were studied with radionuclide bone scanning.
The IUCN estimates that nearly 17, 300 of the world's 47, 677 assessed species are under threat of extinction.
7·请您联系我们的销售人员或拨打医生服务热线—400 677 2727联系我们的客户支持部门。
Please contact our sales representatives or customer support department via the doctor service hotline - 400 677 2727.
An Israeli study of 677 mostly male, middle-aged workers found those affected by burn-out were nearly twice as likely to develop the condition.