six hundred and eighty-five


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The population density of that country is 685 per square mile.
—— 《新英汉大辞典》
2·这里,总共685 ms的时间中,607 ms被花费在mark阶段。
Here, 607 ms of the total 685 ms was spent in mark.
We currently own more than 685 registered patents on over 352 product features.
A river, about1, 102 km (685 mi) long, of northeast Colombia flowing partially along the border with Venezuela.
His store, at 685 Manhattan, was padlocked for most of the winter and late fall, the phone disconnected. Customers and neighbors feared that he had died.
This paper introduces the networked automatic alarm system, in which "685 Digital Alarm Receiver" is explored, which is the most important equipment in the system center.
7·通过非线性有限元模型获得的L2脊椎强度为2154 /- 685 N,相比骨密度测量,这个模型可以更好的发现之前存在的脊椎骨折。
The L2 vertebral strength obtained with the FEM was 2154 /- 685 N, and the model could detect preexisting vertebral fracture better than measurement of bone mineral density.
8·在格陵兰岛水域发现的新琵琶鱼物种包括古怪的双饵琵琶鱼。 图中标本是2009年从1428米深处捕捞上来双饵琵琶鱼。
Anglerfish species new to Greenland include the peculiarly appendaged Linophryne bicornis, such as this specimen hauled up from a depth of 4, 685 feet (1, 428 meters) in 2009.
METHODS a questionnaire was designed according to the standard of prevention, and the questionnaire survey was conducted among 685 grassroots health workers in 15 grass roots hospitals.
更新时间:2025-03-29 10:45