seven hundred and twenty-five


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Company employees 725 people, 165 professional and technical personnel.
Its name is taken from the prophet Hosea, who lived in the northern kingdom between 755 and 725 BC.
The herb is sold as part of a package that involves extensive testing; cost is $6, 725 for six months.
In a press release by SUSE they mention that over 725 customers have taken advantage of the Microsoft-SUSE collaboration.
5·XML 属性(XML ATTRIBUTE):例如,在 XML 示例 中,有一个称为 “id” 的属性,它的值为 “725”。
XML ATTRIBUTE: In this XML example -- -- there is an XML attribute called "id" which has a value of "725".
Microsoft's announcement cited "more than 725 customers worldwide" that have bought into this joint Microsoft and SUSE program.
A river of Czechoslovakia and Germany flowing about 1,167 km (725 mi) to the North Sea. It has been a major waterway since Roman times.
What this actually means is unclear, but 725 customers is such an insignificant number that one has to wonder why it was mentioned at all.
9·结果全国市级机构突发公共卫生事件人力配置需要模拟测算为2 036人; 县级机构需要6 725人。
The municipal CDCs need 2 036 professionals, while at county CDC level, 6 725 professionals are needed to deal with the public emergency events.
The coffin of Pasenhor, an influential member of the Libyan Meshwesh tribe, around the 22nd dynasty (725 BC), which is inscribed with various spells from the Book of the dead.
更新时间:2025-03-26 21:18