seven hundred and fifty-two


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The study comprised 752 females.
In 1998, 34378 signs were inspected, resulting in the removal or repair of 752 signs.
At year-end, 752 organisations and 265000 individuals had registered with the movement.
In another embodiment, different parts of the shoe can be joined using hidden seams (752).
In a by now familiar ceremony, the names of all 2, 752 victims of the New York attacks were read out.
You know but cannot see the 2, 752 men, women and children who died at the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001.
7·该传感器的DN 752和DN 752玻璃钝化联大有三位的LED显示屏,它们允许一个或者两个开关点或一个模拟输出,快速和简易的编程。
The sensors DN 752 GPP and DN 752 GA have a three-digit LED display and they allow a fast and easy programming for either two switchpoints or one analog output.
8·研究另指出2009年每间房间的利润为91752人民币(约合13535美金),比2005年该数据处于最高点时降低了百分之三十九。 这也是该数据连续第四年下降。
The study puts profits per room at Rmb91, 752 ($13, 535) in 2009, 39 per cent below the peak level reached in 2005 and the fourth straight year the figure has declined.
Methods for machining the trenches, which form the bevel blade surfaces (752), include a diamond blade saw, laser system, ultrasonic machine, a hot forge press and a router.
Its barrier is in danger of bursting as the water level rose by nearly 2 meters on Saturday to 723 meters, only 29 meters below the lowest part of the barrier, which measured 752 meters high.
更新时间:2025-03-10 06:00