seven hundred and sixty-four


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1·对于这个基准测试,使用了一个z 10 EC 2097 - 764系统。
For this benchmark, a z10 EC 2097-764 system was used.
2·这名幸运儿中得的奖金金额高达126231764欧元,足够买两架空客A - 320客机。
The jackpot of 126, 231, 764 euros is enough to buy two Airbus A-320 jets.
In Buddhism terms, there are 137 transliteration terms, and 764 free transliteration terms.
Methods 1223 nodes, 764 8-node hexahedron isoparametric elements and 3564 freedom degrees were used in FEM analysis.
A river of eastern and southern Alaska flowing about 764 km (475 mi) from the Wrangell Mountains northwest to the Yukon river.
6·方法对宁波市传染病医院2000 - 2005年住院的1 764例麻疹病例进行描述流行病学分析。
Methods 1 764 measles cases were collected in Ningbo Infectious Diseases Hospital from 2000 to 2005 and epidemiological features were analyzed.
7·普通压力机无法完成整形工作时,为了高效、安全地生产而设计制造了框架式溜槽中板整形压力机。专门对SGZ— 76 4/ 5 0 0输送机的中部槽进行整形工作。
This paper designs press of frame type pan medium plate coning when common press don't complete coning work, it conings for SGZ-764/500 conveyor medium plate.
They looked at the records of 764 women treated for breast cancer between 2002 and 2005 at 115 randomly selected, private oncology practices around the country.
9·刘兵,王程,金剑。生殖生长期光富集及遮阴对大豆产量及其构成特性的影响[J]。大豆科学,2008,27 (5):764 - 772。
Liu b, Wang c, Jin J. Effects of light enrichment and shade during reproductive stage on yield and yield components in soybean [J]. Soybean Science, 2008, 27 (5) : 764-772.
We retrospectively analyzed 764 patients who received operations due to lumbar disc protrusion. Results: Delayed pain in ipsilateral leg after operations have been found in 81 patients.
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:17