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The LSE ultimately enrolled 774 students on the course.
2·我要打到德克萨斯州的休斯敦。区号是(713),号码是774 - 7543。
I'm calling Houston, Texas. The area code is (713) and the number is 774-7543.
In Singapore, a record 774 couples are planning to marry, compared to 70 on a normal Sunday.
By the second quarter of 2011, the SGX plans to offer non-stop, 9-to-5 trading for its 774 stocks.
The islands were discovered by the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman in '43 and visited by Capt. James Cook in 774.
'the 3, 774 "transparent cement" panels for the Italian Pavilion were made at a rate of around 200 a day,' he said.
During 1998, a total of $ 774 million was spent on the LPM Programme to increase the annual output of slope upgrading works.
A town of southwest Massachusetts, an industrial suburb of Springfield. It was set off from Springfield in 774. Population, 8,820.
In the two Southern States of Warab and West Bare-el Ghazal there are reports of 774 cases with 121 deaths between 21 February to 27 March 2006.
10·第五艘(774号)采用一座俄国制造的AK - 176型单管76毫米炮在2001年服役,但是在2006年6月在一次意外事故中损坏。
The fifth vessel (774) with an Russian-made AK-176 single-barrel 76mm gun was commissioned in 2001 but the vessel was damaged in an accident in June 2006.