seven hundred and eighty-eight


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A number of notable scholars and writers appeared by 788 and, by the last decade of the eighth century, a cultural revival was in full bloom.
2·复仇者之盾-增加了等级四,1142魔法消耗,658 - 788神圣伤害。
Avenger's Shield - Rank 4 added, 1142 Mana, 658-788 Holy Damage.
3·方法对我院2011年1月- 2006年1月788例产科病例进行回顾性分析。
Methods From January 2011 to January 2006, 788 cases of obstetric were reviewed.
China has 788 thousand websites and 54.5 million computers connected to the Internet.
5·对此次召回产品有疑问的消费者请联系Cargill客户专线,(877)788 - 4953。
Consumers with questions regarding the recall should contact the Cargill consumer line at (877) 788-4953.
The first British settlement, a penal colony at Fort Jackson (now part of Sydney), was established in 788.
Sarah Lawrence takes the most expensive crown for another year, topping our list with a total bill of $55, 788.
8·我也没有点550欧元一瓶的伊奎姆酒庄(Chateau d'Yquem)的葡萄酒,而选了瓶便宜的本地红酒。
I passed up the chance at a bottle of Château d’Yquem (550 euros; about $788 at $1.43 to the euro) for a cheap local wine.
9·答:苹果推出的一项保险,俗称AC +,购买费用为788元,且只能在激活60天内购买。
Answer: Apple launched an insurance, commonly known as ac +, the purchase cost of 788 yuan, and can only be activated within 60 days to buy.
But Ryan's importance isn't all about passing the ball; he's also there to distribute his knowledge after a record 788 appearances for United.
更新时间:2025-03-13 16:50