seven hundred and ninety-two


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1·肺癌和支气管癌,死亡792 495例。
Lung and bronchial cancer: 792, 495 lives.
I gave her all the necessary figures, and she found the answer quickly: the answer was 792.
Time stops altogether on reaching the 299, 792, 458 metres per second at which light zaps through a vacuum.
Christchurch became New Zealand's first city in 1856 by Royal Charter and has established 792 parks in the past 150 years.
5·因为光速是299 792 458米每秒,而中微子的速度是299 798 454米每秒。
Since the speed of light is 299, 792, 458 metres per second, the neutrinos were evidently travelling at 299, 798, 454 metres per second.
Its 792 serving members are to be replaced, after a transition period, by a semi-elected house (possibly called a Senate) of as few as 300 members.
7·“实至名归”的Elektrownia Belchatow——是一家大规模燃煤电站——其去年排放了30 862 792吨二氧化碳,到2010年整个发电设施将增长20 %。
The appropriately titled Elektrownia Belchatow – a massive coal-fired power station – belched out 30, 862, 792 tonnes of CO2 last year and by 2010 the whole generating facility will have grown by 20%.
更新时间:2025-03-30 03:00