seven hundred and ninety-five


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Russia acquired the city in the third partition of Poland (795). Population, 405,000.
Vilnius passed to Russia in 795 and is now the capital of Lithuania. Population, 544,000.
But in 2009, 115, 795 fewer employer businesses were founded than in 2007, a 17.3 percent decline in firm formation.
Dating from pre-Roman times, it was ruled by the Moors from c. 713 to 785 and from 795 to 1015. Population, 67,259.
5·这个人说不定就是英国演员Keira Knightley,这位女星最近狠狠花了一笔,砸下2795英镑买些了一件Burberry的羊皮大衣。
Could it have been Keira Knightley? The actress told recently of her guilt at splashing out? 2, 795 on a Burberry sheepskin coat.
A city of eastern Poland southeast of Warsaw. Chartered in 37, it passed to Austria in 795 and Russia in 85. Population, 324, 00.
In Swindon the number of people claiming jobless benefit jumped last month to 4, 350, over double the claimant count of 1, 795 in January 2008.
Dade facilitate the monks in the temple tower east mountain, 11 years Zhenyuan (795), flat hexagonal, and 4 m-high, open the door to the West, Tasha residues bad.
Japanese firms exported 795, 000 tons of steel to their biggest customer, South Korea, down 9.3% and falling into negative territory for the first time in 14 months.
Radiosensitizing experiment was performed using T-739 mice. The tumor model was LA-795 pulmonary adenocarcinoma, and the effect was assessed using tumor regrowth delay.
更新时间:2025-03-26 13:30