8 1

8 1


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1·使用 8 1/2“ * 11" 大小的纸张,单面打印。
Use 8 1/2" x 11" paper, printed on 1 side only.
2·即便按照纽约标准,住宅室内的设计也是拮据,三层楼的房屋宽度仅为8 1/2一你英尺,长42英尺。
The residential interiors are a tight squeeze even by New York standards, measuring just 8 1/2 feet wide and 42 feet long on each of its three floors.
3·当然,要想在到期前真正有利可图,该股票的交易价格必须高于58 1/2,也就是期权溢价(8-1/2)加上商定价格50。
To be profitable, though, at expiration, the stock must be trading for more than 58, the total of the option premium (8 1/2) and the strike price of 50.
The game was a blowout, 8–1.
—— 《牛津词典》
There will be no Kids' Club on November 1 and November 8.
The axle connects to the outer arms of the Wheel, which begin to rotate at a speed of 1/8 of a revolution per minute.
You have been using these frequencies in Technique 8 Part 1.
At 8 '1 ", Sultan Kosen is officially the world's tallest man, he also holds the record for the largest hands and feet."
Day 1 – 8 bags to Goodwill, 5 bags to recycling, 8 boxes to the consignment shop, and 1 bag to the landfill.
Marines with Battalion 1/8 kick back in the transit tent of Forward Operating Base Edinburgh.
更新时间:2025-02-23 00:13