eight hundred and twenty-eight


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1·还有诊断出的7828件食道癌的病例中,有5871件可以预防。 同时,诊断出的39025件肺癌病例中,有12878件可以预防,7714件胃癌病例中,有3471件可以预防。
There are another 7, 828 cases of oesophageal cancer, of which 5, 871 could be prevented.
2·js “文件包含了全部350个文化,结果,文件达828 KB之大。”
The "globalize.cultures.js" file contains all 350 cultures, and as a result, it's 828 KB.
3·当然,包含所有的文化也有其缺点,即它会创建一个828 KB的大文件。
Of course, including every culture has its drawback in that it creates a large file, 828 KB.
Burj Khalifa (see photo) is the tallest building in the world, with a height of 828 meters.
Results (1) A total of 828 questionnaires were collected from 1027 women; the response rate was 80.62%.
Dubai opened the 2, 717-foot (828 m) tower on Jan 4 in a blaze of fireworks that was televised around the world.
For five years, as the project climbed towards its ultimate height of 828 meters, it was known as the Burj Dubai.
The effect of resin compounding ratio and radiation dose on blends of epoxy resin 828 and 648 systems was analyzed.
In 828, 804 polling stations, 1, 368, 430 simple, robust and apparently tamper-proof electronic voting machines will be deployed.
10·据高层建筑和城市住区理事会(Council on Tall Building and Urban Habitat)的数据,目前世界上已竣工的最高建筑是迪拜828米高的哈利法塔(Burj Khalifa)。
The tallest completed building is currently the 828-meter Burj Khalifa in Dubai, according to the Council on Tall Building and Urban Habitat.
更新时间:2025-03-24 11:32