eight hundred and forty-five


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1·费尔曼先生的一位客户,名叫 Sholam Weiss 的欺诈者,被判处845年徒刑。
One of Mr Felman's clients, a fraudster called Sholam Weiss, was sentenced to 845 years.
2·将845例功能性消化不良的患者分为3组,分别用术芍连防汤、 普瑞博思、 胃复安治疗。
845 patients were divided into 3 groups. Then treated them with ZLD, prepulsid and primperan.
3·但是注意,别把这个值设置的太大,否则你将遭遇Lucene - 845号BUG。
However, don't set it too large otherwise you may hit LUCENE-845.
New England Reptile Expo, Radisson Hotel, 700 Elm St. Info: Bruce Lowder, 845-526-4845.
If you live where big stripers and hybrids chase bait, you'll also be a real fan of the 845.
It was founded in 837 at the end of the railroad line as Terminus and renamed Atlanta in 845.
7·方法:将845例功能性消化不良的患者分为3组,分别用术芍连防汤、 普瑞博思、 胃复安治疗。
Methods: 845 patients were divided into 3 groups. Then treated them with ZLD, prepulsid and primperan.
The results show that the heat consumption of this furnace which using liquefied petroleum gas as fuel is 845.
A river of northern Northwest Territories, Canada, flowing about 845 km (525 mi) northward to the Arctic Ocean.
10·世界贸易组织,争议解决报告2006:第3卷第845 - 1248页,剑桥大学出版社,2006。
World Trade Organization, Dispute Settlement Reports 2006: Volume 3, Pages 845-1248, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
更新时间:2025-03-26 07:45