eight hundred and forty-seven


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The company has orders for 847 Dreamliners from 55 customers.
The rate for traveler 's cheque is 847 yuan against USD 100 .
EBay Saw Over 2 Billion U.S. Product Searches In Q3; Amazon Saw Only 847 million.
The stock is now down nearly $80 from its recent high of $847 less than two months ago.
Brandon initiated a book drive, and soon he had 847 books spread out on his bedroom floor.
6·文章对TH - 847涂料的组成、性能、施工要求及使用情况进行了介绍。
The compositions, performances, construction requirements and application of TH-847 coating were introduced.
7·一座来自中唐时期(781 - 847)的51英尺高的佛像侧卧着等待圆寂,那一刻他安详地进入涅磐。
A 51-foot Buddha from the Middle Tang period (781-847) reclines to await death, when he will pass serenely into nirvana.
8·若以电话订购的话,请洽(847)866 - 4600国际扶轮出版品订购服务部门,或是服务您地区的国际扶轮办事处。
Orders by telephone may be placed by calling the ri Publication Order Services Section at (847) 866-4600 or the ri office serving your district.
9·《有关被子植物之前的授粉方式的推断:欧亚长吻蝎蛉》——科学 326: 840-847 及Ollerton, J. 和 Coulthard, E. 2009.
“A probable pollination mode before angiosperms: Eurasian long-proboscid scorpionflies.” Science 326: 840-847 and Ollerton, J. and Coulthard, E. 2009.
10·通用电气公司(General Electric Co .)即对在847名员工当中展开的一项戒烟研究的结果表示满意。该公司预计将把这项研究推广到全美范围。
General Electric co., pleased with the outcome of a smoking-cessation study among 847 employees, next year expects to offer the program to all U.S. workers.
更新时间:2025-03-10 14:30