eight hundred and sixty-eight


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Option 936 or 868 control unit to form tweezers soldering station.
In 868 the first printed book, using full page woodcuts, was produced.
Rusal clearly has issues. The company lost $868 million in the first half last year.
Methods: To observe CT study of 868 patients who had been given nonionic contrast agent.
The first wood engraving was made in 868 in the Chinese Tang Dynasty and it was named The Lonely Tree.
6·可配858/868烙铁(另购)及121维修电源(另购), 建立小型维修站, 组成星光显数白银组合。
Optional 858/868 iron and 121 power supply form a small service station as SUNKKO Digital Silver Partner.
The Diamond Sutra, which was printed in Xiantong 9 (868) of the Tang Dynasty, is an example of fine and mature work of block printing.
In this paper, a model 868 GPS Timing re - ceiver is introduced mainly, including the compositions, performances and experimental results of this system.
9·有世界上最早的唐朝咸通九年(868年)的木刻板印刷品《 金刚经》;还有许多佛教用的法器等物品。
The earliest printed book "The Diamon Sutra" dated 868 AD (the ninth year of Xian Tong of Tang Dynasty) as well as some religious objects were found there too.
10·在2009年最初11周内(1月1日至3月15日),脑膜炎地带的国家向世卫组织报告的疑似病例共计24 868例,包括1513例死亡(1)。
During the first 11 weeks of 2009 (January 1 - March 15), a total of 24 868 suspected cases, including 1 513 deaths (1), have been reported to WHO by countries of the meningitis belt.
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:35