eight hundred and ninety-three


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Before the results were announced, Nissan's shares ended up 2.5 percent at 893 yen.
With the industry computer and IDCB-893 devices, the distributed data acquisition system can be used for real industrial process.
India's stock market made its biggest single-day gain of 893 points on Nov. 14, fuelled in large part by companies that were once members of the Reliance Group.
4·韶关市药用植物资源丰富,有药用植物893种,隶属158科; 其中有珍稀濒危药用植物21种。
The medical plant resource of Shaoguan is very rich. There are 893 species of medical plants belonging to 158 families, in which 21 species are rare and endangered plants.
There we learn that a walrus was called a walrus by 1655 but that as an animal it had been known long before and appeared with other names in the writings of Alfred the Great back around 893.
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:28