nine hundred and seventeen


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Cholera death toll in Haiti hits 917.
2·结果调查人群肛肠炎性疾病的居民917人,总患病率为16.02%(917/5 724)。
Results The total incidence rate of anorectal phlogistic diseases was 16.02%(917/5,724).
3·记者可通过电话+41 22 917 2313或+41 22 917 2336或者电子邮件 cfegli@unog.ch 获取更多信息。
Journalists can call +41 22 917 2313, or +41 22 917 2336 or email cfegli@unog.ch for more information.
4·所以这里, 中部偏下,第917页左边,德里达说出了自己关于它的看法。
So here's what, a little more than halfway down, the left-hand column, page 917, Derrida has to say about that.
Take a look at page 917, the left-hand column, where Derrida is talking not about Levi-Strauss but about Saussure.
We Xiao river bridge in the length of 917 m, has 29 across, bridge pier construction has been completed, is currently frame beams.
Methods The rats were given mixed liquid made of 917 Yutang powder and normal saline to do acute toxicity experiment and pharmacodynamics experiment.
A total of 917 workers will work at 34 doping control stations to collect samples that will be tested at a lab for about 200 banned substances, Mr. Chen said.
9·在1995年至2014年间,全球917位白手起家的亿万富豪创造了超过3.6万亿美元的财富。亚洲占了36%,仅次于美国。 A。
In total, 917 self-made billionaires generated more than $3.6 trillion of wealth globally between1995 and 2014. Asia accounted for 36%, second only to the U. S.
The survey of 15, 000 people found the average income of Australian retirees was $1, 917 a month, while the cost of average household expenses is $1, 437 a month.
更新时间:2025-03-09 22:19