nine hundred and eighteen


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This is the 918 incident that shocked the world.
A questionnaire was administered to two samples of 918 individuals.
The 918 incident, also called shenyang incident, Mukden incident, LiuTiaoHu events.
4·您打算获得IBM IDS 11系统管理(考试918)的认证吗?
Thinking about seeking certification on System Administration for IBM IDS 11 (Exam 918)?
5·我们非常期待在纽博格林赛道(位于德国的经典超长赛道)上看到它和保时捷918 Spyder插电混合动力概念车并驾齐驱。
We’d love to see it on the Nurburgring alongside the Porsche 918 Spyder plug-in hybrid concept.
The Australian researchers spoke to 918 bowel cancer victims and compared their working patterns with 1,021 cancer-free volunteers.
The Australian researchers spoke to 918 bowel cancer victims and compared their working patterns with 1, 021 cancer-free volunteers.
8·保时捷希望918 Spyder行驶中没公里排放二氧化碳量为70克,仅相当于一个小型城市车的排放量。
Porsche expects the 918 Spyder to emit 70 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre travelled, which is about the same as the output of a tiny city car.
9·本教程是一个由8篇教程组成的系列中的第4篇教程,这个系列可以帮助您准备IBM IDS V11系统管理(918考试)认证。
This tutorial is the fourth in a series of eight tutorials that can help you prepare for the System Administration for IBM IDS V11 Certification (Exam 918).
A researcher at the University of Massachusetts Amherst found that big paychecks equal less cooking and cleaning in a study of 918 women in double-income families.
更新时间:2025-03-26 04:19