nine hundred and twenty-nine


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I arrived on flight 929.
Is this baggage conveyor belt for flight 929?
Directions: Take bus No. 929 branch line from Pingguoyuan subway station to Shuang Tang Jian.
The index closed at 929 on May 8. That's a 37% gain from the March 9 low and just 6 points shy of where it was Jan. 6.
5·与剧场相邻的是Boxcar 10这个面积为10000平方英尺(929平方米)的四层多功能建筑。
Adjacent to the theatre is Boxcar 10, a four-storey mixed-use building totalling 10,000 square feet (929 square metres).
Fort Hood is a sprawling 340 square mile military installation and houses some 4, 929 active duty officers and 45, 414 enlisted members of the army.
The Winding Stair (929), ranges from early love lyrics to the complex symbolist works of his later years. He won the 923 Nobel Prize for literature.
8·那天我去的最后一个酒行试酒点是Bottlerocket Wine &Spirit(西19街5号; 212-929-2323; bottlerocketwine.com),就在联合广场的西北面。
The final wine-shop stop that day was Bottlerocket Wine &Spirit (5 West 19th Street; 212-929-2323; bottlerocketwine.com), just north and west of Union Square.
Meanwhile, an error correction coding and decoding table-checking method suitable to PDF417 was proposed, which could decide any code corresponding to the power of the element in GF (929).
Methods Using NCTC 929 clone and agar diffusion method, the three products of different producing dates were evaluated by both methods of laying specimens directly and only laying its extraction.
更新时间:2025-03-29 03:47