nine hundred and thirty-one


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Agricultural area: 931 (1000 Ha).
Football teams had a lower average — 931.
3·每个小时都有妇女受到家庭暴力的侵害。帮助制止它。请致电931 - 5001。
Every hour, a woman is abused. Help stop it. Call 931-5001.
4·方法对2004年- 2009年931例脑梗死病人进行回顾统计分析。
Methods Retrospective analysis was conducted on 931 patients with cerebral infarction from 2004 to 2009.
Rose and colleagues studied the relationship between chocolate and mood among 931 women and men who were not using antidepressants.
The problems in debugging of RCS-931 are also discussed, as well as some special problems of the longitudinal protection for EHV lines .
7·对于电流纵差保护在应用中会遇到的几个主要问题,结合光差保护现场的一些实际工作,以RCS-931 保护装置为例进行了分析。
Several questions are discussed in applying the digital phase segregated current differential protection based on RCS-931, and debug the equipment in worksite.
It notes how an Oscar-nominated documentary called The Garden, about the battle over a community garden in Los Angeles, only took $26, 931 after its release in April.
9·本文论述电镀光亮镍组合添加剂的设计以及BH - 931电镀光亮镍工艺在摩托车零件上应用的结果。
Design of combination additive for bright nickel plating is described here and the application result of BH-931 bright nickel plating process on motorcycle parts is reported.
The company said it booked charges of 1.13 billion euros in the fourth quarter, comprising 931 million euros for risk provisions and 197 million euros for a reduction in head count.
更新时间:2025-03-29 16:34