nine hundred and thirty-eight


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With its major oil reserves, discovered in 938, it has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.
He and his colleagues looked at 938 individuals from 51 different populations whose DNA is in a repository in France.
In 938, the Liao Dynasty set up a secondary capital in what is now Beijing, and called it Nanjing (the "Southern capital").
On the basis of these results, the Ministry of Health has decided to carry out a mass vaccination campaign in Abidjan, in August 2008, targeting 1 938 161 people.
5·(in Chinese)王昕,程小雯,房师松,等。指数平滑模型在流感样病例预测中的应用[J]。中国热带医学,2011,11 (8):938—939。
Wang x, Cheng XW, Fang SS, et al. Application of exponential smoothing model in forecasting influenza incidence [J]. China Tropical Medicine, 2011, 11 (8) : 938-939.
The 938 buses which cover all of Tongzhou and take the expressway from Tongzhou into the CBD generally arrive in the CBD only half an hour after they leave Tongzhou Beiyuan.
Methods A morphologic study and HLA DR, S 100 and CD44 expressions by cytochemical and immunocytochemical techniques were performed for cytologic diagnosis of thyroid diseases in 938 samples with FNA.
更新时间:2025-03-29 00:18